Monday, September 24, 2007

Week 4 Thoughts

So I watched the game at home again, getting extrememly agitated that ABC was dropping the signal to Standard Definition every 20 minutes.

After watching the atmosphere at Camp Randall on TV, I was a little upset that I wasn't at the game.

Until, Kevin B. sent this post:

Sounds like one fan had an issue, it couldn't have been that bad could it Kevin?

"It was pretty bad. Hair raising screams, many times for no apparentreason. Fortunately the game was pretty exciting and the stadium veryloud, so we were able to tune her out for a lot of the game. "

Other than that, the fans from Section A are pretty good (excluding the family of tools in the row behind us, right Kevin?

"This,combined with the fact that the six people on our left decided to leaveat half-time and the two people on our right decided to leave at the endof Q3 make me wonder about Section A in general."

Say it aint so.

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